Sunday, January 30, 2011

January Happenings

We have spent most of this month learning about Arctic and Antarctic animals. We started with polar bears and made some really cute TLC polar bears. We followed this with penguins. We made a schema chart of what the children knew first. Then we read lots of penguin nonfiction and the children learned that some of their schema was not correct. We corrected our misconceptions and added our new schema to the chart too.

The children made TLC penguins and wrote two nonfiction facts to accompany the pictures. They made other penguins in art with Mrs. B and she helped them write facts on those penguins.

During centers, the children used black, white and orange construction paper to create penguins. These Playful Penguins look great in our room.

We have really been learning about the conventions of nonfiction and how to write nonfiction. During writer's workshop, each child made a nonfiction poster "All About" something they knew about.

We will be learning about animals in winter next week.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Birthday MLK!

We did a mini-unit on Martin Luther King, Jr. this past week. Due to the missed week of school because of snow, we had to do this after the actual holiday celebrating Dr. King's birthday. We sang songs, read books, and made a TLC portrait of Martin Luther King, Jr. The children especially enjoyed the Martin Luther King, Jr sound effects story from Heidi Butkus's blog. Heidi has wonderful ideas that I frequently use in my classroom. Check her out at