We had a wild and crazy time this week trying to capture leprechauns. The children brought their traps to class on Wednesday, March 16. Each child shared his trap with the class and explained how it worked. Before we left at the end of the day, we set the traps in different places in our classroom. I confess that I was just blown away with how creative and marvelous the traps were. I hope the children and their parents enjoyed making these traps. I had a blast just listening to the children tell how their traps worked. They were so proud of their work. St. Patrick's Day we were greeted with a trail of shiny shamrocks from the outside doors to our classroom. There were tiny green footprints on the glass of our classroom door. Inside our room, all the traps had been sprung! Shiny green and gold coins were scattered around the room and on all the traps. Little green footprints were everywhere. The toilet had green water in it! Surely you heard the screams of glee as the children explored the room. We were loud!! Unfortunately we didn't catch any leprechauns so I will not be retiring to the beach anytime soon. During writer's workshop, the children wrote about their traps and our morning. In the afternoon, the children sorted and graphed Lucky Charms cereal. We participated in an online project to determine if there were more shamrock marshmallow shapes than other marshmallow shapes in each box. Our box of Lucky Charms did have more of the shamrock shapes. We finished the day by flying the kites we made when we were studying weather.