Saturday, August 27, 2011

The First Full Week

Well, the first full week has come and gone.  It flew by!  I am amazed by how well everyone is doing learning rules and routines.  This is a very well-behaved class.  When the whole class does a good job at any activity, they have a chance to earn a link (paper strip that is used to make a chain).  I cannot give my own class a link but they can earn links from other teachers.  They earned three links this past week!  Way to go guys!  Give yourselves a trucker cheer!  One of those links was earned for great behavior in the lunchroom.  Very impressive for the first week.  When a certain number of links are earned, the whole class receives a reward.

The theme was ABC's and we read many alphabet books including Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  The children made the cutest coconut trees with their names in foam letters with Mrs. B.  We displayed these on the cabinets over the sinks.  I wrote the children's names and then cut apart the letters and had the children reassemble them in the correct order, glue them in place and then draw themselves.  They also had to count how many letters they had in their names.  We hung these out in the hallway.

Bad news for the week is that my camera died so we have no photos of those projects but the good news is that my new camera arrived in the mail today.  So hopefully we will soon have some pictures to accompany this blog.  

Thanks parents for all the extra supplies you have generously sent.  Germ X, Kleenex, paper plates, baggies - they will all come in handy.  Especially those Kleenex.  I am already noticing some drippy noses.  

Looking forward to next week!  Smiles!

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